This is Where We Begin
I’m accountable to you for my progress, so I want you to know where things begin.
I have a savings account I called “Financial Freedom.” This is what it looks like today:
Yes, you read that right. My so-called financial freedom amounts to a grand total of less than $300. (Slightly less than my $2 million goal.)
But I have to start somewhere.
I’ve gotten into the bad habit of raiding this account whenever I’m low on cash.
That stops today.
From now on, this money will never be spent, not for any reason whatsoever.
From now on, this account represents my commitment to long-term financial security.
I’m going to start reporting my Financial Freedom account amount every time I post. It will give me incentive to not spend it and consistently add to it.
I added $5 yesterday, just because.
I have to be real with you, though. I have credit card debt that is way more pressing than this bank account. So I’ll prioritize releasing that debt from my life before I pour a lot of money into the financial freedom account.
How much credit card debt? Umm…around $10,000. (How did that happen? A car crash was involved.) At least most of the debt is not incurring interest– I transferred them to cards that have no interest for a year or so. That buys me some time to pay it off.
I also owe my wife money, in the realm of several thousand dollars. She’s very kind.
So, long story short, financial freedom feels far off from where I stand.
And yet, I am hopeful, because I am determined to improve my financial situation. I am determined to learn, to grow, and to earn more flippin’ money. Let’s get it.